
  • Your Minecraft server must be accessible at all times
  • It is forbidden, by any means whatsoever, to automate votes
  • It is forbidden to register a service that is not a Minecraft server
  • It is forbidden to add a Minecraft server that does not belong to you
  • It is forbidden to add the same Minecraft server multiple times
  • Only players on your server are allowed to vote
  • Displaying the voting page in an iframe is not allowed
  • Thumbnails, titles, and descriptions must not be obscene, offensive, or off-topic
  • Your email address must be valid and not disposable
  • It is forbidden to bypass the 1h30 cooldown in any way (Proxy, VPN, Bots, paid humans to vote, etc.)
  • Any breach of these rules will result in sanctions up to and including the immediate and permanent deletion of the account and the servers linked to it